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How To Care Women's Catheters. Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.
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Perform the maintenance action in the area genetal women who catheterized |
GOALS | - Preventing infection
- Providing a sense of comfort
POLICY | Female patients were catheterized |
EMPLOYEE | Nurse |
EQUIPMENT | - Bak instrument containing sterile swab
- Sterile gloves
- Disinfectant
- Warm water, washcloths, towels
- Perlak and pengalas
- Crooked
PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTATION | Phase Pra Interaction - Checking the therapy program
- Washing hands
- Setting up the instrument
Phase Orientation - Greets the patient and the patient's name sapa
- Describe the purpose and implementation procedures
- Asking for consent / patient readiness
Work Phase - Sampiran installing / maintaining privacy
- Preparing patients with dorcal recumbent position and fired under the patient's clothing
- Installing perlak , pengalas
- Wearing gloves
- Clean the genitalia with warm water
- Ensure the position of the catheter is properly installed ( pull carefully , catheters are retained )
- Provide disinfectant with a swab on the end of the catheter
- Removing pengalas and gloves
- Tidying patients
Phase Termination - Evaluating new measures do
- Saying goodbye to the client
- Clean up and return the device
- Washing hands
- Noting the activities in the nursing record sheet
Hospital & Nursing Procedures
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