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How to Feed Patients Via NGT. Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.
FEED PATIENTS VIA NGT | | | | STANDAR OPERATING PROCEDURE | | | DEFINITIONS | Incorporating liquid food / drug via naso gastric tube | GOALS | - Maintaining nutritional status
- Administration of drugs
| POLICY | Patients who can not eat by mouth | EMPLOYEE | Nurse | EQUIPMENT | - Boiled water
- Liquid food / medicine
- Funnel
- 5/10 cc syringe
- Tissue
- Perlak / pengalas
- Crooked
- Gloves
| PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTATION | Phase Pra Interaction - To verify the data previously when there
- Washing hands
- Placing the device near the patient correctly
Phase Orientation - Greet and say hello to the patient's name
- Describe the purpose and procedures of action on the family / patient
- Asking for consent and readiness of clients
Work Phase - Maintaining privacy
- Adjust the position of the patient in semi-Fowler position / Fowler (if no contraindications)
- Wearing gloves
- Installing pengalas on your chest
- Determine the position of NGT by aspiration of gastric contents
- installing funnel
- Entering boiled water, open the clamp, elevate 30 cm, before the expiry of the clamp back
- Incorporating liquid food, open clamps, elevating 30 cm, clamps back before it runs out
- Entering boiled water, open the clamp, elevate 30 cm, before the water runs out the clamps back
- Closing the end of NGT with syringe / clamps
- Clean the leftovers in patients
- tidying patients
Phase Termination
- To evaluate actions
- Saying goodbye to the client Tidy tools
- Washing hands
- Noting the activities in the nursing record sheet
| |
Hospital & Nursing Procedures
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