The Principle of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)

Pada halaman ini akan dibahas mengenai The Principle of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.

2.1  The principle of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
2.1.1        The principle of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
a.       SOP should refer to the organizational structure and, the main tasks, as well as document flow.
b.      Standard operating procedures are the responsibility of all members of the organization.
c. The Functions and activities are controlled by the procedure, so it is necessary to develop a flowchart of the organization's activities.
d.      SOP is based on the applicable policies.
e.   SOP coordinated to reduce the possibility of errors / irregularities.
f.       SOP is not very detailed.
g.      SOP is made as simple as possible.
h.      SOP is not overlapping, conflicting or duplicate with other procedures.
i.        SOP reviewed periodically and developed as needed.
2.1.2        The principle of Implementation of SOP
Implementation of SOP should meet the following principles:
                                   a.          Consistent. SOP should be consistent over time, by anyone and in any event by all officers and executive in the Inspectorate General of the Department of Religion.
                      b.     Commitment. SOP should be carried out with the full responsibility of all levels of the organization, from the lowest level to the highest.
                                  c.          Continuous improvement. Implementation of the SOP should be open to any improvement to obtain the procedures were really efficient and effective.
                                  d.        Binding. SOP should be binding on the executor in carrying out their duties in accordance with procedures established standards.
                             e.            All elements have an important role. All employees play a role in any standardized procedure. If there are employees who do not carry out his role properly, it will disturb the whole process, which ultimately also have an impact on the governance process.
                                   f.            Well documented. The whole procedure has been standardized should be well documented, so it can always be used as a reference.


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