Pada halaman ini akan dibahas mengenai The Phases Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure. Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.
The Phases Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure:
Hospital & Nursing Procedures
- Formulating an objectives of Standard Operating Procedure
- Determining the title
- Menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan protap :
- Translating policy / policies / rules / regulations are useful for policy:
a. Ensuring an activity
b. Creating a performance standard
c. Resolving a conflict in work teams
- Make the process flow
- Form of the charts that describe the process or order the course of a product / procedure that records all the events;
a. Give a complete picture of what is being implemented
b. Helping each implementation to understand the role and function with the other side.
- Terms of a chart must be made on the basis of direct observation, should not be made on the basis of what is remembered and arranged in "Flow of Work"
Technique makes basic questions:
a. Purpose: What exactly is done and why?
b. Where: Anywhere done and why?
c. Sequence: When and why at that time?
d. Petugas : Siapa yang melakukan dan mengapa oleh dia ?
e. Method: What method is used and why is it that way?
Formulating procedures or implementation of activities in a clear, coherent and writing. Procedure or implementation is based on the results of the above questions (flow of work) that describes a unit of activities that were given out in order to achieve job satisfaction and achievement of objectives.
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