Pada halaman ini akan dibahas mengenai Steps in the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.
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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) |
Steps in the preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
A. SOP Writing
In the making of SOP need their steps by steps in preparing the SOP, so as not to confuse and clear. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) can be said to be good if all that is written therein can be read and understood by everyone who uses it. Therefore, we need a correct way in making the Standard Operating Procedure. Here's an effective way of making the Standard Operating Procedure:
1. Write down every stage of the process in a procedure in which a short sentence. Long sentences is more difficult to understand.
2. Write down each stage of the procedure in the form of imperative sentences. Sentence command shows directly what to do.
3. Communicating clearly every word that is used in a procedure.
4. Using the term of terms or abbreviations that are already commonly used in daily activities.
Making the Standard Operating Procedure should be as consistent and that the parties use to be familiar and easy to understand Standard Operating Procedure in question. Following the arrangement of the contents of the Standard Operating Procedure (Tricker, 2005):
1. Document Data Sheet
Contains all the information that represents the document itself include the name of the document, who whice made, when the document is approved, who approved, a summary of the contents of the document, etc.
2. Purpose and Scope of Standard Operating Procedure
Contains the purpose of the explanation and the reasons why the procedure is needed as well as an explanation of limitations and procedures established discussion area.
3. Procedure
The procedure is the main part of the document. The procedure created a picture of something that explains the details of each order process. Form used in the process are also described.
4. Duties and responsibilities
Contains the duties and responsibilities of each party involved in a process.
Before the manufacture of SOP there are some things that should dipriotaskan in the preparation of SOP, and make choices work processes, needs to be reviewed the following issues:
1. How do the effects, positive or negative affect on patient care.
2. How can the impact of the creation of the problem on staff / officers.
3. Is the work process creates waste, a matter of time, the need for new equipment, repetition of work.
4. Other specific potential impacts to the Hospital.
So these things can have SOP determined by priorities.
B. The principle of writing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
1. Assign, the underlying policy review procedures / work process.
2. Consider the procedure is a thorough procedure or consisting of a collection of several smaller procedures (especially when the procedure is quite long, broken, for example: Preparation Stage, Stage Initial Activity, Final Stage, Stage Evaluation, etc.).
3. When was SOP created, might be better before anything new work processes implemented.
4. Search literature and other relevant information that supports these procedures.
5. Search input from staff / officers concerned to not be too authoritarian
6. Set the procedure is required or as a guide. If required, it should be clear that the Standar Operating Procedure (SOP) must be done with no other steps. If as a guide, then there is an opportunity to move all or part of an alternative.
7. Set the results (outcomes) expected.
8. Write down the facilities required.
9. Define who is authorized to carry out such procedures.
10. Steps compiled based on logic, to complete the work processes effectively, efficiently, and safely.
11. SOP numbering system to be made as an organized and independent.
12. Socialize (SOP) Standard Operating Procedure
13. SOP revisions carried out according to the needs of development: science, other information, changes in unit / structure.
C. Who should write SOP
A person or group of SOP let makers have this level of knowledge is more accurate and never experienced these jobs. As the officer who will carry out the work process, the officer who will carry out the maintenance of the tools used in the work process, the authors who have a regular writing SOP, Environmental Health officer / K3 / Nosocomial Infection. Had Record SOP close to work, description of the procedure will be more communicative, efficient, effective and in accordance with the needs of the workplace. Many procedures are not designed and developed accurately and scientifically. Testing methods can be used, among others, the ISO standard method; and of some operations ISO standards can be used in the manufacture of SOP.
D. SOP is a product of the Law
SOP should be believed as an agreement made in a government agency rule, decree, Memo which is juridically valid. In other words, an SOP that is going to be used must first be made SKnya terlibih. This is important, because the SOP is a legal product, or at least an internal technical guidelines in these institutions. Denial of the SOP may be a violation of the law and can be prosecuted, to assess denial need menusuri or identify the implementation of the SOP and to prove, for example: a police detachment of 88 shot dead a terrorist, without any warning, this is a procedural mistake, the police can be prosecuted ; A research student implement data retrieval without consent thesis supervisor, also a violation of the procedure, and can be sanctioned.
3.12 Evaluation
- Objective: to civilize internal audit
- The evaluation was conducted
o Periodically, once a maximum of 3 years
o As needed to implement the SOP
- Set implementing evaluation
- Create permanent procedures SOP evaluation procedure
- Develop the format / check list evaluation
- Evaluation result
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