Pada halaman ini akan dibahas mengenai DEFINITION OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. Semua informasi ini kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Semoga memberikan faedah bagi kita semua.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
2.1  Definition
2.1.1        Definition of Standard (Standar)
Something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations” (Oxford Dictionary).
2.1.2        Definition of Operating (Operational)
“Control the functioning of (a machine, process, or system)” (Oxford Dictionary). 
2.1.3        Definition of Procedure (Prosedur)
“An established or official way of doing something” (Oxford Dictionary).
2.1.4        Definition of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)
According to Cipto Atmoko, Standard Operating Procedure is a guideline or a reference to perform job duties conformed to the functions and tools for performance evaluation of government agencies based on the indicators of technical, administrative and procedural appropriate work procedures, work procedures and systems of work at the work unit concerned.

2.2   Legal Basic of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in Indonesia
1.      Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia In 2009 Number 144, Additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5063).
2.      Law number 43 of 2009 on archival (Repulik Indonesia State Gazette number 152 of 2009, additional State Gazette number 5071).
3.      Permen PAN Number: PER / 21 / M.PAN / 11/2008 on Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures Government Administration.

2.3  Goals and Funtion of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is a document that contains measures / systematic work in an organization. From some of the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) according to experts, the main purpose of the preparation of SOP is to facilitate any work processes and minimize errors in the process.   

The purpose of the preparation of the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) include:
1.       In order to the officer to keep the consistency and level of performance of officers or employees or teams within an organization or business unit.
2.       In order to know clearly the roles and functions of each position in the organization.
3.       To clarify the groove duties, powers and responsibilities of the officer concerned.
4.       To Protect the organization or work unit and the officer of malpractice or other administrative errors.
5.       To avoid failures or mistakes, doubts, duplication and inefficiency.
6.       To Give information about the documents required in a work process. 

The function of an acquired by making these Standard Operating Procedures include:
1.    To efficiency time, because all the process becomes faster when the work was already structured systematically in a written document. All activities of the employees have been listed in the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) so that they know what to do during the work period.
2.      To facilitate the stages of service provided to the public as consumers in terms of the simplicity of the service flow.
3.    To seriousness of employees in providing services, especially the consistency of working time according to applicable regulations. This is a standardization of how an employee complete the task.
4.       Can be used as a means to communicate the execution of a job.
5.       Can be used as a reference tool in assessing the service process. If the employee acted in accordance with the SOP meaning she has less value in performing the services.
6.       Can be used as a means to control and anticipate when there is a change in the system.
7.       Can be used as a register that is used regularly by supervisors when held audit. SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) valid will reduce the workload. Simultaneously, it can also improve the comparability, credibility and defensibility.
8.       To help employees become more self-sufficient and not dependent on management intervention, thereby reducing management engagement in the implementation of daily processes.
9.       To reducing the level of errors and omissions that may be performed by an employee in performing the task.

Ok, this is some definition, goals and function of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). May be useful.


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